Gun Trader's Guide, Thirty-Seventh Edition: A Comprehensive, Fully Illustrated Guide to Modern Collectible Firearms with Current Market Values

· გამყიდველი: Simon and Schuster
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The one-stop guide to buying collectible firearms, with more than two million copies sold!

If you are seeking a comprehensive reference for collectible gun values, the Gun Trader’s Guide is the only book you need. For more than half a century, this guide has been the standard reference for collectors, curators, dealers, shooters, and gun enthusiasts. Updated annually, it remains the definitive source for making informed decisions on used firearms purchases. Included are extensive listings for handguns, shotguns, and rifles from some of the most popular manufacturers, including Beretta, Browning, Colt, Remington, Savage, Smith & Wesson, Winchester, and many more.

This thirty-seventh edition boasts dozens of new entries since last year’s edition and includes a complete index and a guide on how to properly and effectively use this book in order to find the market value for your collectible modern firearm. Determine the prices for any firearm you want to sell or trade, whether its condition is in box, excellent, or good. With new introductory materials that every gun collector and potential buyer should read, this book is the ultimate guide to purchasing classic or discontinued firearms. No matter what kind of modern firearm you own or collect, the Gun Trader’s Guide should remain close at hand.

Skyhorse Publishing is proud to publish a broad range of books for hunters and firearms enthusiasts. We publish books about shotguns, rifles, handguns, target shooting, gun collecting, self-defense, archery, ammunition, knives, gunsmithing, gun repair, and wilderness survival. We publish books on deer hunting, big game hunting, small game hunting, wing shooting, turkey hunting, deer stands, duck blinds, bowhunting, wing shooting, hunting dogs, and more. While not every title we publish becomes a New York Times bestseller or a national bestseller, we are committed to publishing books on subjects that are sometimes overlooked by other publishers and to authors whose work might not otherwise find a home.

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Robert A. Sadowski has written about firearms and hunting for nearly fifteen years. He is the author of four gun books, editor of three others, and contributor to numerous gun-enthusiast magazines, including Combat Handguns, Black Guns, Special Weapons for Military and Police, Gun Tests, Personal and Home Defense, GunHunter, SHOT Business, and others. He resides in Hampstead, North Carolina.

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