Reversible Protein Phosphorylation in Cell Regulation

· Developments in Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry 第 11 冊 · Springer Science & Business Media


This book, published in association with the journal MOLECULAR AND CELLULAR BIOCHEMISTRY, is dedicated to Ed Krebs and Eddy Fischer in celebration of their 1992 Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine. Reversible protein phosphorylation is a research field pioneered and developed by Krebs and Fischer. This book contains short reviews and original research papers contributed by Krebs and Fischer's coworkers, both former and current. The contents reflect the two-way interaction between protein phosphorylation and other biomedical research fields. The chapters are grouped into four sections. The first two deal with structure/function aspects of protein kinases and protein mechanisms. Unlike many other research fields, which undergo periods of intense activity and productivity followed by relative calm, the protein phosphorylation field enjoyed continued growth both in scope and intensity, and the pace of this growth has increased markedly in recent years. This volume will provide a glimpse of the dynamism and diversity of the research activity representative of the current state of the field.




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