Shooter's Bible Guide to the Hunting Rifle and Its Ammunition

· 出版商:Simon and Schuster


Another addition to the Shooter’s Bible collection, Shooter’s Bible Guide to the Hunting Rifle and Its Ammunition will educate anyone interested in hunting rifles. Any question that might come up involving this widely used firearm is answered by Tom Tabor as he takes readers through the many different aspects of hunting rifles and their ammunition. With a crisp, clear voice, the author uses his knowledge to include a variety of chapters, including:
  • Which Rifle and Design?
  • How Much Weight Do You Want in a Rifle?
  • Matching a Cartridge to Your Needs
  • The Right Bullet for the Game
  • Is Handloading Right for You?
  • Airline Travel with Firearms
  • Steep Angle Shooting
  • Influences That Can Hinder Accuracy
  • Taking Care of Your Ammo
  • Shooting Myths, Misconceptions, and Outright Distortions
  • And many more!
Experienced hunters will learn more in-depth details and skills to take with them on their hunting expeditions. Beginners will learn the basic skills and safety tips that any hunter must know to intelligently take to the woods with a hunting rifle. Shooter’s Bible Guide to the Hunting Rifle and Its Ammunition is a treasure trove of wisdom meant for every hunter who opens its pages.




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