Sports Fundraising: Dynamic Methods for Schools, Universities and Youth Sport Organizations

· Routledge


Sports Fundraising is a complete introduction to fundamental principles and best practice in sports fundraising. Focusing on the particular challenges of fundraising in intercollegiate and interscholastic sport, and for youth sport organizations, the book is designed to help students develop the professional skills that they will need for a successful career in sports or education administration.

Packed with real-life case studies and scenarios, the book offers a step-by-step guide to the effective planning, communication, implementation and management of sports fundraising projects, and introduces the most important issues in contemporary sports fundraising. Each chapter contains a range of useful features, from definitions of key terms to skill-building exercises, exploring both quantitative and qualitative methods for understanding the fundraising process and designing more effective fundraising projects. This is an essential course text for any athletic or sport fundraising course, and an invaluable reference for all professional fundraisers working in sport or education.


David J. Kelley Ph.D, is an adjunct Assistant Professor in the newly created Sport Administration program at the University of Cincinnati. Throughout his career, Dr. Kelley successfully raised funds and secured grants to improve the sport programs under his supervision. He has published articles on sport fundraising, sponsorships, and curriculum development.




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