Stopping at Every Lemonade Stand: How to Create a Culture That Cares for Kids

· Predajca: Penguin
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Táto e‑kniha

Children's lives today are complex, stressful, and dangerous. Kids are overscheduled, come home to empty houses and neighborhoods where they don't know a soul, and in school, face violence-all too often from their peers. In Stopping at Every Lemonade Stand, James Vollbracht provides a blueprint for transforming our unstable and disconnected culture into a healthier, supportive one. Vollbracht bases his approach on six overlapping circles of community-our personal circle, families, neighborhoods, larger communities, business worlds, and elders-and outlines simple actions within each circle that will help rescue our kids. Through a rich blend of heartwarming anecdotes and creative, practical strategies, Stopping at Every Lemonade Stand affirms the age-old wisdom that the power and responsibility to heal our communities rest in our own hands.

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O autorovi

James Vollbracht is president of Higher Ground Associates, an organization focusing on building connected communities for kids, and a senior trainer, coordinator, and consultant for Search Institute and their national Healthy Community/Healthy Youth Initiative.

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