The Future of Real Estate Home Pricing: 8 Proven Concepts for Residential Real Estate Agents to Accurately Price Price Homes Through Reliable Analytics and Real-Time Data

· Bublish, Inc.
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Today's real estate agent is in the middle of an epic battle. Giant CMA and AVM companies have introduced fancy tech tools that encourage home buyers and sellers to go it alone, without an agent. Your livelihood is on the line. Current home valuation is subjective, unreliable, outdated or just plain wrong. How can you win your clients' trust when they are confused about the best price to list their home?

In The Future of Real Estate Home Pricing, Anton Roeger, founder of APC Data Analytics, shows you how innovative new tools, processes and data can help you gain your clients' trust and become a sought-after authority on home buying and selling trends in your area. In this book, you'll learn how to:

- build credibility with your clients through accurate, powerful, current and comprehensible property valuation 

- combat online pricing giants that are misleading your clients with unreliable automatic valuation models (AVMs)

- automate your Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) with a new set of accurate, powerful, real-time tools

A perfect book for real estate agents and brokers as well as real estate lawyers and investors.

Автор жөнүндө

Anton Roeger IV serves as Chairman and Chief Innovation Officer for APC Data Analytics, LLC. Roeger began his career as an engineer at Ford Motor Company and, later, became a senior engineer at Robert Bosch Corporation. When Roeger began investing in real estate, he forged an impressive 18-year real estate consulting career, selling over 1,000 properties for over $350M in total volume and becoming the top producing agent in Charleston, SC.

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