The Hygge Life: Embracing the Nordic Art of Coziness Through Recipes, Entertaining, Decorating, Simple Rituals, and Family Traditions

· Được bán bởi Ten Speed Press
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Equal parts cookbook and lifestyle guide, this cozy little book shows you how to cultivate comfort and contentment and embrace life’s small pleasures with the Danish practice of hygge.

Hygge (loosely translated as "coziness") is centered around the idea of inviting comforting elements into day-to-day life while creating warmth, community, and intimacy. The Hygge Life teaches you how small gestures (putting wool blankets and warm cider out for guests) or larger undertakings (building bonfires and making campfire bread to celebrate solstice) can warm the psyche and foster hygge, with more than 30 recipes for cozy and comforting food and drinks.

Giới thiệu tác giả

GUNNAR KARL GÍSLASON is chef of the award-winning Restaurant Dill in Reykjavik's historic Nordic House, Kex Hostel on Reykjavik Harbor, and Agern restaurant in NYC's Grand Central Station. His cooking celebrates Iceland's pristine ingredients and artisanal producers and has garnered international acclaim.

JODY EDDY is the author of Come In, We're Closed; North; and Cuba. A graduate of the Institute of Culinary Education in Manhattan, she is the former editor of Art Culinaire.

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