The Music Business: Career Opportunities and Self-Defense

· Saltzailea: Crown
6 iritzi
Liburu elektronikoa

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The Must-Have Guide for Breaking
into the Music Business

Completely revised and updated for the twenty-first century, The Music Business provides essential career advice and information on how to get started and advance in all areas of the music industry—from an author who’s had careers in music as an artist and professor for more than two decades. This comprehensive volume gives you guidance and information on:

• Starting your music career
• The ins and outs of recording contracts
• Record producing and music engineering
• The distribution and sale of records
• The Internet and MP3s, and their effects on the music industry
• The latest computer programs
• Copyright law
• Composing music and songwriting
• Music education
• The international music industry
• And much more . . .

The Music Business is an indispensable reference for anyone who wants to begin a career in any of the industry’s facets, as well as an invaluable aid to professional and would-be professional musicians alike.

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6 iritzi

Egileari buruz

DICK WEISSMAN is a professional musician, recording artist, composer, and record producer. He currently teaches short classes and seminars, and he consults for the University of Denver, Scott-Anderson Associates in Kingston, Jamaica, the Liverpool Institute of Performing Arts, and various other organizations. He is also the author of Songwriting: The Words, the Music, and the Money and Making a Living in Your Local Music Market. He lives in Astoria, Oregon.

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