White Lies

· Entangled: Amara tərəfindən satılır
4 rəy

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Some moments in life are more dangerous—and more seductive—than others. For attorney Nick Rogers, that moment happens the second he walks into Faith Winter’s winery and lays eyes on her. Confidence, beauty, and inscrutable vulnerability. Provocative. But Nick knows at least one of Faith’s secrets—one of what he suspects is many...

But Nick has a secret of his own: he already knows who she is. He’s only playing the role of a stranger, just enough to get to know her, to find out if Faith truly is the one who hurt his family. Hurt him. But Nick’s façade was only supposed to be on the surface. And now that he’s touched her, he wants her. And wanting her means he has to have her.

Now lust and love are battling for Nick’s soul, even as he lures Faith deeper. Into his life. Into his heart. He could lose everything. But soon the lies will be exposed and the truth revealed. Because where the white lies end...obsession begins.

This book was previously published as two separate titles, Provocative and Shameless. No changes or updates were made before creating this compilation.

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4 rəy

Müəllif haqqında

New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lisa Renee Jones is the author of the highly acclaimed Inside Out series, as well as the Tall, Dark and Deadly series and The Secret Life of Amy Bensen series. Prior to publishing, Lisa owned a multi-state staffing agency that was listed as the #7 growing women-owned businesses in Entrepreneur magazine. Lisa can be found online at lisareneejones.com.

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