This book is designed to expand awareness within those who lead at present or those who aspire to lead. One can only lead others responsibly having understood how to lead the self, becoming an “awakened leader.” Awakened leaders stay true to their values but are very much aware that life and business are continuous processes of growth and change—an awareness more critical than ever in today’s VUCA world. Awakened leaders recognize that these constant changes are calls to regular reflection, enabling greater empathy, understanding, and ultimately, improved decision-making.
Postgraduate students and practicing leaders in the workplace will value this book, which tells them in a straightforward way how to undertake no-nonsense action with a compassionate and visionary foundation.
Joan Marques reinvented herself from entrepreneur to edupreneur, currently serving as Dean, School of Business, Woodbury University in Burbank, CA. She (co-)authored/edited more than 31 books so far. She lives, teaches, and writes about awakened leadership within a spiritual context.