GoFits - Workout Motivation

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Imatge d'una captura de pantalla
Imatge d'una captura de pantalla
Imatge d'una captura de pantalla
Imatge d'una captura de pantalla
Imatge d'una captura de pantalla
Imatge d'una captura de pantalla
Imatge d'una captura de pantalla
Imatge d'una captura de pantalla

Sobre l'aplicació

"Let's do it and record it to show me."

Do you want to grow into a nice muscle?
Are you planning to go on a diet for a nice body?
The fastest way to do this is to workout.

Workout itself is the most important thing when workout, but motivation, which is the driving force of continuous workout, cannot be left out.

GoFits is a fitness content service that provides motivation to focus more on workout by creating effective and regular routines such as fitness short form, convenient exercise routine management, automatic workout diary writing, various workout plan alarms, and video production.

Through Gopits, motivation and routine construction for muscle strength, health promotion, and diet can be started, and performance can be confirmed through neonatal certification.

▶ Motivation
- Filming, producing, and sharing fitness professional shortforms (15-120 seconds short video)
- Alarms are provided depending on your daily life, such as voice, practice, music, and video
- Identifying workout performance and changes through a highly readable exercise diary

▶ Improved fitness timer functionality and ease of writing workout journals
- Automatically record workout log such as workout time and rest time by operating fitness timer
- Execute workout according to the plan through timer linkage with the workout plan you set
- Even if you don't have a set workout plan, you can write an workout diary with a simple setting through the timer

[Main function]

- Play fitness short form (120 seconds video) and upload to self-supplied audio and filter applications
- Regular or early admission. Through venting, fitness products, clothing, food, etc
- Different types of push notifications, such as audio and video, depending on the fitness estimate and setup workout time
- Fitness timers linked to workout logs and workout plans
- Template and file upload system for creating motivational images
- Save uploaded shortform videos, workout logs, day-to-day management, guest books, etc

[Products for sale]

- Motivation image production (files provided after high definition image production)
- You can purchase it after purchasing it through the settings in the app
- No refund after video production is completed, modification and supplementation are separately discussed (limited to changes in music and phrases)
I can do it once

[App access rights information]
Gopitz requires the following access rights to provide services.
(Required Access)
- None
(Optional Access)
You can use the service even if you do not agree to optional access rights.
- Push notification service
: Privileges required to provide notification services.

- Photo, video, and audio recording rights
: Permission required for shortform video shooting.

- storage medium
: Permissions are required to use personal folders such as video and audio that you own.
Data d'actualització:
21 d’ag. 2024

Seguretat de les dades

La seguretat comença en entendre com els desenvolupadors recullen i comparteixen les teves dades. Les pràctiques de privadesa i seguretat de les dades poden variar segons l'ús que es fa de l'aplicació, la regió i l'edat. El desenvolupador ha proporcionat aquesta informació i és possible que l'actualitzi al llarg del temps.
Aquesta aplicació pot compartir aquests tipus de dades amb tercers
Aquesta aplicació pot recollir aquests tipus de dades
Ubicació i Informació personal
Les dades no s'encripten
Pots sol·licitar que se suprimeixin les dades


1. 홈 화면 달력 날짜선택시 해당 날짜의 운동기록 표시
2. 홈,피츠올림피아 배너 크기수정
3. 운동일지 그래프 크기 수정

Assistència de l'aplicació

Número de telèfon
Sobre el desenvolupador
메타플랜 주식회사
대한민국 광주광역시 북구 북구 첨단과기로 339 806호 과학기술본부 (대촌동,광주테크노파크) 61008
+82 10-5127-6850

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