Angela Hudson
The lack of compatibility with Samsung watches has been extremely frustrating. It worked perfectly on my Apple Watch, allowing quick, seamless authentication without distractions. Now, I’m forced to pick up my phone every time, which disrupts productivity and forces me down rabbit holes like writing this review. Supporting Samsung watches would greatly improve the user experience and help those of us who need quick access without interruptions. Also, STOP asking on the same device/location.
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Chris Cook (Chris-Anonymous)
The automation is very finicky. Very often do I get the automation set up, then it fails at random times. It could fail remember the device the same day, a week from now, or 2 months from now. I found that my background data was enabled as it says, but it registers as off sometimes which is why I assume it fails randomly. I have to keep going into the settings, toggle my background data off, then back on again for it to finally work properly.
1 person found this review helpful
Brian Knezek
The app frequently forgets my laptop, calls it a new device, and says that I can "automate future requests from this client." However, usually it doesn't let me enable that toggle. Even when it lets me enable the toggle, it often fails to auto-approve logins and then recognizes it as a "new client" after 1 day -- again suggesting that I can enable it for auto approval but refusing to let me flip the toggle. And over and over for years.
4 people found this review helpful