This application brings the functionalities of the Scenario line / Embrace for your tablet and smartphone with Android system. With it you can control locally or remotely only products of Scenario / Embrace line. Therefore, it is necessary that the user has Scenario Equipment / installed and configured Embrace. For Scenario / Classic line, you should use the Scenario Touch application. The features are met: lighting control, blinds, air conditioning, irrigation systems, audio equipment and local video or multi-room, TV guides to the Brazilian operators, global controls the residence and activities. The application also allows the configuration of various elements of the system Scenario / Embrace as lighting scenes, task scheduling schedules and parameters of CATTM routines (Context Awareness Technology), exclusive EMBRACE line. This application is designed to run both screens automatically generated by Embrace interface system, as well as customized by authorized resellers Scenario. The screens automatically generated the application user can customize by inserting pictures of your home and / or environments or changing the sequence of screens.