CBORD Mobile Reader™

1 ming+
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CBORD Mobile Reader is an app designed to read campus ID cards and perform SV&C, Meal, Activity, and other transactions right from your own Android device. This app is designed for CBORD users who would like a mobile device solution for a card reader.

This app can read Mifare Classic, Mifare Ultralight and Mifare DESFire EV1 cards using the internal NFC capability on compatible devices. A contactless card is read by holding it against the NFC sensor on the Android device. CBORD Mobile Reader can also read magstripe card swipes using the ID Tech UniMag II reader. To use this feature, plug the reader into the device and wait for the light on the main screen to turn green.

The internal NFC capability has been tested with the following devices:
* Samsung Galaxy S3
* Samsung Galaxy S4 (except MiFare Classic)
* Nexus 7
* Nexus 4
* HTC One
* HTC Droid DNA

The ID Tech UniMag II reader has been tested with the following devices:
* Galaxy Nexus
* Nexus 4
* Samsung Galaxy S3
* Samsung Galaxy S4
* HTC Droid DNA

This app requires access to a CBORD server, an available CBORD Mobile Reader license and permission from a CBORD administrator.
Oxirgi yangilanish
15-okt, 2024

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