My Aurora Forecast & Alerts

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My Aurora Forecast is the best app for seeing the Northern Lights. Built with a sleek dark design, it appeals to both tourists and serious aurora watchers by telling you what you want to know - whether that is exactly how likely you are to see the aurora borealis or details about the solar winds and high-resolution sun imagery. With this app, you'll be seeing the Northern Lights in no time.

- Find the current KP index and how likely you are to see the Northern Lights.
- View a list of the best locations to view from right now.
- Map showing how strong the aurora is around the world, based on the SWPC ovation aurora forecast.
- Free push notifications and alerts when auroral activity is expected to be high.
- Forecasts for the next hour, several hours and several weeks so you can plan your Northern Lights viewing long in advance (subject to weather conditions).
- Solar wind statistics and sun imagery.
- View live aurora webcams from around the world.
- Tour information so if you're considering to go to locations such as Iceland or even Alaska or Canada, you'll be able to find tours that we can recommend to you.
- Completely free of charge for all functionality, no in-app purchases.

If you want the latest updates on geomagnetic activity and enjoy viewing the aurora borealis, this app is right for you. This version is ad-supported.
Oxirgi yangilanish
18-okt, 2024

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39,1 ming ta sharh

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Bug fixes.