Wokamon: Walking games

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🏆Best of 2017 - Gamified Fitness, App Store🏆

Tamagotchi + Pedometer = Endless FUN! The more you walk, the more they grow.

Looking for a fun walking app that can turn your outdoor walk into an exciting game? Wokamon is the perfect walking challenge game for you! With this walk outside game, every step you take can be transformed into an adventure where you collect cute little monsters and upgrade them as you progress. It's not just a walk fitness tracker game; it's an immersive experience that will keep you engaged and motivated to keep moving. And the best part? You can challenge your friends and compete for the highest step count with the social features in this fun walking app. So don't just walk, play Wokamon!

Wokamons are running out of resources and they need your help! Every step you take is turned into energy. Use it to feed, grow and collect Wokamons. The more you walk, the more Wokamons you can collect and the further you get to explore the magical Woka-worlds like candy desert, icy realm, mystical forest, and more! Lend a helping hand and soon you will find, the more you help, the fitter you get!

--------------FUN & MOTIVATING---------------

Wokamon, a unique adventure and clicker simulation game on Android phones, makes walking/fitness interesting and fun! Doesn’t matter if you walk, jog or run, outdoor or on a treadmill, Wokamon set out to make your fitness experience never be the same again: you will want to walk more, all day, every day!

Wokamon also functions as a pedometer, checks your daily and weekly progress, and competes with your friends within the game.

***Simply play with your phone, or connect with Google Fit, and Fitbit***

--------------------THE STORY--------------------

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, on planet Laya, Wokamons lived happily with their friends, the Layabots. They worked together and played together, turning the Layabots’ activity output into an energy source for Wokamons. However, the Layabouts got too lazy and eventually stopped moving. Wokamons got super weak and mega sad.

In order for Wokamon to thrive again, Wokamon elders decided to send some young and brave Wokamons to plant Earth to harness energy from the human race and to start their adventure.

--------------------CONTACT US--------------------

Learn more about us: www.wokamon.com
Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/wokamon
Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/wokamon

***If you would like to report a bug or to express your concerns, please contact us at Wokamon support: https://forum.shikudo.com/c/wokamon We appreciate your feedback and we read every single review!***

--------------------GOOGLE FIT--------------------

Connect to Google Fit and raise Tamagotchi with steps done by 3rd party apps. For example Runkeeper, Runtastic, Nike, Fitbit app, and etc. Enjoy with other games like Ring Fit adventure, Zombies, Run! and Walkr.
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This update contains stability improvements and general bug fixes.