SacRT SmaRT Ride

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What is SacRT SmaRT Ride?
SmaRT Ride is similar to other ride-share services where customers can use a smartphone app to request a ride that will pick up and drop off passengers wherever they wish to travel within designated service boundaries.

How does SacRT SmaRT Ride work?
Once you have downloaded the app, schedule your pickup location, requested time frame and destination. A computer program matches you in real-time with a SmaRT Ride bus in your area that will pick you up.

The app will provide you with an estimated pick-up time and you will be able to track your bus in real-time, and be alerted when your ride is about to arrive.

Current service areas offer curb-to-curb service where passengers are picked up and dropped off at the address they indicated when scheduling. New service areas offer corner-to-corner service where passengers are picked up and dropped off at the nearest corner or ‘virtual bus stop,’ which is usually within a block or two of their pickup or drop-off location. In the Downtown zone only, stops are at designated SacRT bus stops.

SmaRT Ride customers can also request rides by calling 916-556-0100. Trip requests must be made on the same day. Wait times for service are subject to vehicle availability and demand.

How long will I wait?
The drop off window is an estimate based on your desired travel time. Because this is a ride-sharing service, actual drop-off time may vary due to demand. Please understand that while we make every effort to arrive at your desired travel time, you may have a slight wait for the SmaRT Ride bus arrival due to demand. If you must arrive at your destination at a specified time, we recommend planning your trip to include a time cushion.

You'll always get an accurate estimate of your pick-up time before booking. You can also track your bus in real time in the app.

What are the hours of SmaRT Ride?
SmaRT Ride is available Monday through Friday in all zones. SmaRT Ride operates from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. with the exception of Downtown-Midtown-East Sacramento, which operates from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and Citrus Heights-Antelope-Orangevale, which operates from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Visit for details.

How many passengers will I share a bus with?
The number of passengers you will share a journey with varies based on capacity and your chosen destination. Our comfortable buses can easily accommodate up to 10 people.

How do I pay?
SmaRT Ride takes cash and all SacRT fare media including Connect Card, Zip Pass, RydeFreeRT and discount passes.

What else do I need to know about using the service?
If you require the use of a wheelchair space, you can mark yourself in the app under your rider profile.

Children under 13 are only allowed on the service with a registered adult.

Questions? Call 916-321-BUSS (2877)
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