20 pullups: 0 to 20 pull ups

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498 ta sharh
10 ming+
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Pullups are key for a strong back and toned arms. This app will take you there & will train you from 0-20 pullups.

- Simple to use: audio coach tells you when to start your pullups & when to rest
- Gradual increase in difficulty for best results
- Progress through 3 effort levels (0-8 pullups in 8 weeks, 8-14 pullups in 6 weeks & 14-20 pullups in 20 weeks)
- Only 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week for 20 weeks!
- Listen to your music as you workout
- Earn wins & badges to keep you motivated

The Pullups app is designed by fitness experts to get you to your goal the fastest way possible. There are how-to photos and instructions to teach you how to do a proper pullup, and the gradual increase in reps is perfect for every fitness level.
Oxirgi yangilanish
8-noy, 2017

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