Karin Sawtelle
The recent release is abysmal. Only allows viewing one branch's classes at a time, does not show upcoming classes you are signed up for, randomly logs you out and then wants you to reset password, signing up for a class is a multi-step (>5) process, privacy settings allow it access to your pics and email, etc. As a software developer, if I had ever pushed out something with this many issues it would have been removed and rolled back to the previous version. Why is this still in use?

A Google user
Thanks for the app! It includes hours of operation, group class schedules, workout tracking, fitness goals, and challenges, (plus links to Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for those who use them.) The one improvement I would like is to have a place to track specific announcements, for instance the deep pool has been closed for a time, so I would like a specific place to look up when it will be open again, without having to scroll through lots of unrelated messages in some feed.
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April Dickson
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This app is ok for the basics. Like signing in and booking a workout class. However if you want to sign up for kick boxing, mx4 or your child for karate it's beyond complicated and can't be done. Also signing in to see your profile like what card/cards are on file and when fees are do is non existent. This is something that should be available to users as it makes life easier.