A new generation of diabetes management solutions. FreeStyle Libre 2: Highly accurate real-time glucose readings with customizable alarms. FreeStyle Libre 2 sensor users can now receive automatic glucose readings in the app, updated every minute.
Abbott's first sensor-based glucose monitoring system takes diabetes management to the next level. [1]
NO PICKUPS. High accuracy of measurements in adults and children. [2]
CUSTOMIZABLE ALARMS. Customizable real-time glucose alarms automatically alert you to high and low levels for quick action. [3]
HISTORY OF GLUCOSE MEASUREMENTS AND REPORTS. Detailed reports, including time in target range, to help you understand your glycemic profiles.
ALWAYS CONNECTED. Connect with a healthcare professional via LibreView and share data with family and loved ones using the LibreLinkUp app. [4], [5]
Compatibility depends on the smartphone model and OS version. The FreeStyle Libre 2 app is only compatible with FreeStyle Libre 2 sensors. More information about compatibility: FreeStyleLibre.ru
Before starting the sensor, select the device you need.
Alarms and glucose readings can be received on either your phone or the FreeStyle Libre 2 scanner only, not both [1].
To receive alarms and glucose readings on your phone, you need to launch the sensor through the FreeStyle Libre 2 app.
To receive alarms and glucose readings on the FreeStyle Libre 2 scanner, you need to trigger the sensor using the scanner.
Remember: the FreeStyle Libre 2 app and the scanner do not communicate with each other. To get complete information on the device, scan the sensor with this device every 8 hours; otherwise, the reports will not include the full amount of data. On the LibreView.ru website you can download and view data from all your devices.
FreeStyle, Libre, and related brand marks are marks of Abbott. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
For additional legal information and terms of use, please visit FreeStyleLibre.ru.
[1] Unpublished data from Abbott Diabetes Care, Inc. Based on the number of users of FreeStyle Libre systems worldwide compared to the number of users of other leading sensor-based personal glucose monitoring systems.
[2] Finger pricks should be performed if glucose readings and alarms do not match symptoms or expectations.
[3] Alerts will only occur when alarms are activated and the sensor is within 6 meters (20 feet) of the smartphone without interference. To receive alarms and warnings, you must enable the appropriate settings on your smartphone. For more information, see the FreeStyle Libre 2 user manual.
[4] The LibreView website is only compatible with certain operating systems and browsers. For more information, visit www.libreview.ru.
[5] LibreLinkUp is only compatible with certain mobile devices and operating systems. For more information about device compatibility, please visit www.librelinkup.ru before using the application. LibreView registration is required to use LibreLinkUp and FreeStyle LibreLink. The LibreLinkUp mobile app is not intended to be used as a primary glucose monitoring tool: individuals using the app at home should refer to readings from their primary devices and consult with a healthcare professional before making health determinations and therapy adjustments based on the information provided by the application.
For technical issues or support when using FreeStyle Libre, please contact FreeStyle Libre Customer Service.