Engage and retain your users

Keep users coming back for more with our engagement tools and insights

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Download the user journey checklist

Many developers suggest that their app behaves like a leaky bucket. They keep investing in user acquisition, but do not grow their overall user base and revenue. It’s therefore essential to have a strong engagement strategy. We explore that and much more in our user journey checklist.


Personalize your app experience

Strengthen engagement by tailoring your app for different audiences

Engage with your customers

Browse and filter your ratings and reviews to discover trends, track issues over time, and respond directly to user feedback

  • Gather valuable feedback on your app from specific user cohorts, such as loyalists or those who have pre-registered, through closed tests

  • Choose when to prompt users for a review with the in-app review API

  • Build loyalty by replying to user reviews. On average, users update their rating by +0.7 stars when developers respond to their feedback

  • Reach users with push notifications to message sales, events, updates or to initiate action, even when they aren't actively using your app

  • Find, retain, and match players for your mobile games with Google Play Games Services

Improve user retention

Optimize your app performance and provide more value for your users

  • Improve your user experience by fixing issues and preventing bad behaviors with Android vitals and compare your performance against others with custom peer groups

  • Gain a deeper understanding of how to best retain and convert subscribers with your subscription retention report

  • Incorporate live-ops time-limited sales and events as a long-term strategy to introduce new content to your audience

  • Reduce uninstall metrics by optimizing your app size

  • Send users to specific content directly in your app with app links

  • Reduce friction by letting users fast-forward into your app's key functionality, with their voice, using Google Assistant

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